AWS Elemental MediaConnect has added support for SRT (secure reliable transport) to its current list of protocols including RIST, Zixi and RTP.
SRT is a low-latency video streaming transport protocol with an open-source implementation based on technology from Haivision, which released SRT on GitHub in 2017. Haivision also founded the SRT Alliance, which has 450 members now including AWS.
“Haivision’s mission in open sourcing SRT was to change the way the world streams video. With AWS’ support of SRT, we can truly say that our development and networking engineering team has created a de-facto standard for the broadcast and streaming industries,” said Haivision CEO Mirko Wicha in a statement.
RELATED: Primestream joins SRT Alliance for low-latency streaming
“One of the challenges with live video workflows is connecting a diverse ecosystem of solutions,” said Dan Gehred, solutions marketing manager for AWS, in a statement. “SRT has shown that it’s an important transport protocol, and it provides secure and reliable transport of live video to and from the AWS Cloud. With SRT protocol input and output in AWS Elemental MediaConnect, along with input in AWS Elemental Live appliances and software, AWS customers have more options when it comes to building scalable, reliable, and secure live video workflows.”
For Haivision, this means that its Makito X4 video encoder is now included in the AWS Media Services Compatibility Program. The company expects the Makito X4 video encoder/decoder pair, which has been tested by AWS, to be added soon. The company also called AWS support a “compelling endorsement” for SRT.
AWS said that since MediaConnect translates between protocols, customers will be able to build a varied ecosystem of reliable live video transport applications running inside and outside of the AWS Cloud and covering a large set of technologies and platforms.
“For example, a workflow can be built by sending live video to MediaConnect using SRT protocol as the input, and then outputting the video using RIST and Zixi protocols,” wrote Gehred in a blog post.